Bulgaria is one of the top destinations in Europe, mainly because of the healing qualities of the mineral waters and mud deposits, which have no equivalent in Europe.
There are between 700 and 1000 mineral springs and numerous SPA resorts where the procedures and the climate have a healing effect on your body.
We present to you the magic of mineral water in Devin City – the pearl of the Rhodopes Mountain.
Favorable climate, pristine nature, natural phenomena, diverse vegetation – over 1,800 plant species, a rich variety of animal species – over 260 bird species, 73 of them included in the Red Book of Bulgaria – these are the main characteristics of the Rhodopes that make it unique.
The Rhodopes are home to some of the most beautiful and picturesque places in Bulgaria. Lush meadows in incredible shades of green alternate with dark coniferous forests, steep canaries and picturesque canyons. If there is a destination worth visiting in any season of the year, it is certainly the Rhodope Mountains.
On the territory of the Rhodopes there are large resorts – Velingrad, Yundola, Narechenski Bani, Pamporovo, Smolyan, Batak, Tsigov Chark, visited for their mineral waters, ski slopes or pristine nature.
Traveling along the picturesque course of the Vacha River and one of the biggest dams in our country – Vacha, we reach the Devinska Planina – a mountain hill in the Western Rhodopes.
In the foothills of the Rhodopes, in the middle of a small hilly valley, on both banks of the Devin River, is the town of Devin. A small town with clean mountain air, where you can touch the peace and beauty of the Rhodopes.
Its microclimate is one of the healthiest – rocky and green hills protect the city from cold and strong winds. Winters are extremely mild and summers are cool. The area is free of industrial pollution.
The combination of the healing qualities of the climate and the mineral waters and the pristine nature make Devin one of the largest balneoclimatic resorts in Bulgaria since the last century.
from the report by Elsa Zareva – National Balneotourism Federation
It is no coincidence that one of the best-selling bottled Bulgarian mineral waters in our country and abroad is Devinska.
The water has a temperature above 40°C and has a unique balance of minerals, high alkalinity (pH = 9.48), pleasant taste and low mineralization. It is characterized as:
Stable physico-chemical composition and properties.
The water is suitable for external and internal application and inhalations.
Depending on the method of application, mineral water is used to treat diseases of:
Mineral water is also used for sports and general prevention and hardening.
The hotel is located in the center of the city of Devin in an extremely accessible location. It offers peace and comfort in
stylish atmosphere, suitable for rest and prevention all year round. Award-winning spa hotel at
the year, SPA hotel of the year, Best 5 star hotel.
It has 82 accommodation units, located on five floors with a lively architecture, s
magnificent panorama of the city and the mountain slopes. All accommodations are elegant
furnished with large single or double beds and offer luxury and comfort.
They are equipped with mini bars, TVs, telephones, safes. The bathrooms are large and have a shower
cabins and baths. Most of the accommodation units have terraces.
The hotel, as well as the whole of Devin, are fed with slightly mineralized water
water. The entire complex is accessible to people with mobility impairments
located 200 meters from Devin Hospital.
The spa center includes a wide range of amenities and facilities for conducting modern health tourism:
Процедурите се извършват по индивидуално съставени програми под лекарски контрол.
За хората, които предпочитат уединение, предлагаме настаняване в Ловен дом Девин, разположен по поречието на Девинска река. Красивата природа и величествената планина правят Ловен дом предпочитано място. Разполага със 6 двойни стаи, оборудван е със сауна и джакузи, има зала за хранене и механа-бар.
Акцентираме и на възможностите, които дава регионът за забавления във времето извън процедурите в рехабилитационните центрове. Какво по-добре от това да се лекувате или поддържате здравето си, като се забавлявате? В зависимост от своите интереси и възможности нашите гости могат да избират забавления за свободното си време.
Районът е изключително подходящ за еко туризъм. Гостите могат да се разходят по Еко пътека „Струилица – Калето – Лъката”, на която се намира Самодивското пръскало. Пътеката е уникална, атрактивна и минава над самата река чрез мостове. Намира се е в ловен резерват и с просто око може да се видят балканска пъстърва и раци.
Могат да посетят местността „Калето”, където се намират развалините на стара българска крепост от VI-VIII век, местността „Лъката” е установено средновековно селище. И двата обекта са със статут на паметници с местно значение и са под специална закрила. Гостите могат да видят още природните забележителности Слона и Момата, както и панорамната площадка Орлово око.
На територията на района има Ловно стопанство. Любителите могат да ловуват.
Тук е отстрелян най-ценният екземпляр дива коза досега, с рекордните 132 точки по скалата за оценка на трофеи.
С гордост представяме Термален аквапарк Персенк, изцяло захранен с Беденска минерална вода, чиято температура при извиране е 76°С. Гостите могат да плуват, плажуват, да се забавляват и лекуват едновременно в първия в България термален аквапарк.
“Bedenski Mineral Baths” bottled mineral water has relatively low mineralization, valuable physical and chemical composition, high temperature (76° C) and sufficient flow rate. It is characterized as fluorine, silicic, carbonic acid, hydrocarbonate-sulphate-chloride-sodium, calcium-magnesium, containing radon, lithium and iron. It is primarily recommended for physical treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal (locomotor) system and the nervous system:
Degenerative diseases – arthrosis, aseptic necrosis; included joint diseases in remission; conditions after injuries and operations; soft tissue diseases – dystrophies, tendovaginitis, myositis; vibration sickness, etc.
Peripheral nervous system – plexitis, radiculitis, disc disease, lumbago, etc.; Functional nervous diseases – neuroses, migraines, reactive depressions, nervous-vegetative dystonias.
Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary-hepatic tract, excretory system, etc.
The water is bicarbonate-sulfate-sodium, with an increased content of carbon dioxide (204 mg/l.) and mineralization 1.7-1.8 g/l. The thermal mineral deposit “Bedenski Bani” is interesting and valuable due to its chemical composition, the high temperature and its balneotherapy properties. The content of slightly dissolved CO refers to slightly carbonated carbonic acid-nitrogen waters. Water preservation and usage is of a national importance.
According to its physical and chemical characteristics, mineral water has the following applications:
– For drinking use – it is suitable for gastrointestinal diseases, biliary-liver diseases, kidney-urological diseases, and various types of diabetes.
– For external balneological application – for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system, the reproductive system, the cardiovascular system, and skin diseases.
– For inhalation use – in diseases of the respiratory system.
Hotelbox.bg – Development of websites for hotels in Devin and throughout Bulgaria